亚洲AV乱码久久精品蜜桃麻豆的无线扫描器将强大的蓝牙无线通信科技与霍尼韦尔多年的技术创新经验相结合,提供良好的无线连接与条码扫描能力。您甚至可以读取破损条码或远距离难以触及的条码,而这均来自一流数据采集自动化设备制造商霍尼韦尔 这些无线条码扫描器能够满足各种应用环境对移动数据采集的需求,包括零售POS终端、仓储库存和医疗卫生等扫描应用。霍尼韦尔生产各种工业等级的无线条码扫描器,从扫描工作量大的轻工业级设备,到能够承受极其恶劣条件的高工业等级扫描器。
Voyager 1202g 无线单线激光扫描器
霍尼韦尔Voyager 单线激光扫描器采用自由的蓝牙无线连接技术,并提供可现场更换的电池,能够更加快速方便地更换。世界知名 Voyager系列扫描器备受用户期待便是强劲的一维条码扫描性能,新 成员1202g也同样拥有。
Voyager 1202g 无线单线激光扫描器 Accessories
MB4-BAT-SCN01NAD0: 4-bay battery charger (NA). Kit includes: NA desktop power supply, two mounting screws, and Instructions
MB4-BAT-SCN01NAW0: 4-bay battery charger (NA). Kit includes: NA wallmount power supply, two mounting screws, and Instructions
100000495 Battery: Lithium-ion battery for Voyager 1202, Xenon 1902, 3820, 3820i, 4820, and 4820i cordless scanners
PS-05-1000W-A STK Power Supply: NA plug, 1.0A @ 5.2VDC, 90-255VAC @ 50-60Hz
CBL-020-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (5V signals), black, DB9 Female, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V external power with option for host power on pin 9
CBL-120-300-C00 Cable: RS232C (+/-12V signals), black, DB9 Female, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V external power with option for host power on pin 9
CBL-220-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (+5V signals), black, DB9 Male, 3m (9.8'), coiled, external power with option for host power on pin 9 for connection to Wincor Beetle
CBL-420-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (5V signals), Honeywell Bioptic Stratos Aux, black, 10 pin modular, 3m (9.8'), coiled, host power possible (dependent upon scanner and Stratos models)
CBL-500-300-C00 STK Cable: USB, black, Type A, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V host power
CBL-500-300-S00 STK Cable: USB, black, Type A, 3m (9.8'), straight, 5V host power
CBL-500-500-C00 STK Cable: USB, black, Type A, 5m (16.4'), coiled, 5V host power
CBL-503-300-C00 STK Cable: USB, black, 12V locking, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5V host power
CBL-600-400-C00 STK Cable: IBM 46xx Port 9b, 12V Power, coiled, 4m (13.1')
CBL-720-300-C00 STK Cable: KBW, black, PS2, 3m (9.8'), coiled, 5 V external power with option for host power
CBL-320-300-C00 Cable: RS232 (+/-12V signals), black, DB9 Male, 3m (9.8'), coiled, external power with option for host power on pin 9
CBL-331-300-S00 Cable: RS232 (+/-12V signals), Wincor Nixdorf Terminal, black, DB9 Male, 3m (9.8'), straight, host power on pin 1
CBL-430-300-S00 Cable: RS232 (+/-12V signals), Radiant 1550 POS terminal, black, 6-pin modular, 3m (9.8'), straight, host power on pin 6
CBL-431-300-S00 Cable: RS232 (+/-12V signals), Verifone Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz Terminals, black, 8 pin modular; straight, host power on pin 8
CBL-503-300-S00 STD Cable: USB, black, 12V locking, 3m (9.8'), straight, 5V host power
CBL-503-500-C00 STD Cable: USB, black, 12V locking, 5m (16.4'), coiled, 5V host power
CBL-600-300-S00 STD Cable: IBM 46xx Port 9b, black, 3m (9.8'), straight, 12V host power
CBL-GIL-300-S00-01 STD Cable: RS232 (5V signals), Gilbarco terminal, black, 8 pin modular, 3m (9.8'), straight
CBL-GIL-300-S00-02 STD Cable: RS232 (5V signals), Gilbarco terminal, black, DB9 Female, 3m (9.8'), straight
CBL-MAG-300-S00 Cable: RS232 (5V signals), Magellan Aux Port, black, 10 pin modular, 3m (9.8'), straight, external power with option for host scanner power
CBL-NCR-300-S00 Cable: RS232 (5V signals), NCR 787x, black, 8 pin modular, 3m (9.8'), straight, external power with option for 5V host power on pin 1
HOLDER-005-W STD Holder: wall mount hook
Stands/Holders/Cordless Bases/Access Points
CCB00-010BT-01N: STK 10m BT Charge/Comm base (only; cable and power must be purchased separately)
亚洲AV乱码久久精品蜜桃麻豆IVYSUN是霍尼韦尔honeywell扫描器的中国区核心经销商,货源充足、确保正品。专业的霍尼韦尔honeywell扫描器产品技术服务团队,确保您采购使用无后顾之忧!购买国际品牌扫描器,请认准技术型服务商:亚洲AV乱码久久精品蜜桃麻豆IVYSUN (http://www.fstnytc.com)。